
A simple tool used to extract an article's text in html documents.

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eatiht - written by rodrigo palacios

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eatiht is one possible solution in a line of many imperfect solutions to one or more problems in some subfield of the field called "data extraction."

Put plainly, eatiht tries to extract the central text from a given website.

Shout out to the folks at /r/Python,/r/compsci,/r/programming. This project started trending largely due to the positive response I got from those guys, and for that I'm grateful. Now onto the main article of this page ;)


(skip if you've read eatiht's readme)

After searching through the deepest crevices of the internet for some tool|library|module that could effectively extract the main content from a website (ignoring text from ads, sidebar links, etc.), I was slightly disheartened by the apparent ambiguity caused by this content-extraction problem.

My survey resulted in some of the following solutions:

The number of research papers I found on the subject largely outweighs the number available open-source projects. This is my attempt at balancing out the disparity.

The original algorithm*

There's two assumptions:

  1. "Valuable" text is "lengthy"
  2. "Valuable" text come in "packs"

By "valuable," and without getting too philosophical, I mean that it's the text you're meant to read.

By "lengthy," I mean there is a specific value that is used to filter out text for a specific computation. More on this later.

By "packs," I can describe it in two ways:


Head over to this page; don't forget to come back!

Do you see how the article is centered, how the edges are sharp, how the background-color tones gently compliment each other, yet they serve to contrast differing regions of importance?

Did you also notice how there were groups of text; clearly aligned both vertically and horizontally?

Imagine emboldening every letter on that page to the point where each letter just looks like a somewhat rectangular blob and they're starting to overlap with their nearest neighbors. A pack can be described as the largest blob(s). As a side note, this illustration is also a useful description of a method used for visual text-extraction.


Warning: this part is better understood if you have some understanding of HTML and XPath. Scroll all the way down or click this link for a quick crash course.

Now consider a typical HTML document that eatiht will likely do well on:

                <p>This is a story about the life of Foo</p>
                <p>The life of Foo was one of great foo</p>
                <p>Foo foo, foo foo foo. Foo, foofoo?</p>
                <p>Foo was no stranger to foo. For Foo did foo</p>
                <p>Buy Bar Now!</p>
                <p>Get The Bar Next Door!</p>
                <p>Increase Your Bar!</p>
                <p>Never Bar again!</p>
                <p>Who the hell is Boo. Who the hell is Far?</p

The selection

The original implementation of eatiht had the following xpath:

//body//*[not(self::script or self::style or self::i or self::b or self::strong or self::span or self::a)]/text()[string-length(normalize-space()) > 20]/..

But that expression can, in essence, be simplified down to:

//body//*/text()[string-length(normalize-space()) > 20]/..

What was taken out was the but the following in select all but the following.

Now for the xpath expression after the '*', but before the '/..':

/text()[string-length(normalize-space()) > 20]

This is basically saying select all text nodes that have a normalized string length greater than 20.

Note about "text nodes." The text node is an html element (scroll to TEXT_TYPES) implicitly declared with the inclusion of text (this includes white spaces and new lines - like between div and p tags).


If we were to extract the text of those three nodes (using an expression like: "//text()"), here's what we'd get:

"\n         foo\n        \n"          #or something similar

The "normalized-space()" of a text node means that said text node will have leading and trailing white spaces removed, and internal white spaces will also be reduced down to a single white space, if multiple white spaces occur next to each other.


Finally, the last sub-expression is:


Select the parent of the last node selected or parent of. Let that sink in for a minute.

A common misconception after executing the entire xpath expression is that the expression will result in the following nodes:


when in fact we get:

/html/body/div/article/p          <-- Set A
/html/body/div/div/p              <-- Set B
/html/body/div/footer/p           <-- Set C

Why is that an important clarification/distinction?

The partitioning

If you didn't notice, I assigned names to the resulting sets of nodes.

Let's count the number of elements in each set:

Set A has 4 elements; each text node contained a normalized string with length greater than 20.

Set B has only 1 element; all but one text node fell short to our string length requirement.

Set C has 1 element, and it's the only element with that parent. Or in other words, its parent has only one child, and that child is in Set C.

Now you may think, "Alright, we can create a frequency distribution across each Set, and we're good!"

Just to see what that means, here's the freq. distribution (histogram)

Set A | — — — —
Set B | —
Set C | —

We technically have found collection of nodes with our desired output. But eatiht takes it two steps further.

Actually, the real reason why I didn't stop here is, I don't know. This solution came after many sleepless nights, a lot of coffee in addition to some other things that decreased sleep, improved focus, and increased short to mid-term memory loss.

Back to the algorithm!

The first step further

What eatiht does before creating the histogram is it partitions each Set. How? With a REGEX pattern designed to split a string per sentence (it tries to, at least).

What does our histogram look like now?

Set A | — — — — — —
Set B | —
Set C | — —

Let's replace the Set names A, B, and C with their xpath equivalents:

/html/body/div/article/p    | — — — — — —
/html/body/div/div/p        | —
/html/body/div/footer/p     | — —

The second step further

This one's quick:

/html/body/div/article      | — — — — — —
/html/body/div/div          | —
/html/body/div/footer       | — —

Yup, all we do is drop the last path, effectively getting the parent of the parent of the text nodes.

The merging

When you find the argmax of some function or random variable, what you are in fact doing is finding the max value in said function, and getting the associated key that points to that value. In other words, you are requesting the argument that, when passed into a given function, will output the maximum value. And if getting told the same thing in two different ways wasn't enough, here's some pseudo-code:

argmax = keyof(max([ value for key,value in histogram ]))

The output (argmax) in our test case is the xpath:


Here's where we build the histogram and here's where we find the argmax

Now that we've found the xpath, we can target the subtree in the original HTML tree. But instead of executing another xpath query on the entire HTML tree, recall that we built a set of text nodes early on in the selection. The selection provided a set of text nodes that satisfied our first assumption (some length).

With a simple list comprehension, we can acquire the some, but not all of text nodes that exist in the desired subtree - yes, this area can be improved, and it is one of many top priorities for me right now.

The string-forming list-comprehenesion is something like this:

article_text = ' '.join([ textnode.text for textnode in textnodes
                                    if argmax in textnode.xpath ])


That's what the eatiht algorith is and does. Simple, no? Yes! It is! From a "high-level" perspective, this is how I might write the pseudo-code of the algorithm in a technical paper:

xpath_to_parent_of_text_nodes = '/path/to/text()/..'
splitter = TextSplitter()
text_node_parents = HtmlTree.execute_xpath_expression(xpath_to_parent_of_text_nodes)

for node in text_node_parents:
    partitions = []
    for child in node.children:
        partitions.insert( splitter.split( child ))
    node.children = partitions

histogram = {}
for node in text_node_parents:
    histogram[node.parent.path] = node.children.count

max_path = argmax( histogram )
main_text_nodes = [ node for node in text_node_parents if max_path in node.path ]

From this high-level perspective, one can see the simplicity in this algorithm. Weighing in at just 13 l.o.p.c., it's so simple; I would be surprised if this hasn't been thought of before. If it hasn't, cool! I might have something here. It it has, cool! I for sure have something here. Both the former and the latter points lead to the fact that this code is being tested and experimented with.

That fact alone tells me it should be maintained for stability's sake. It also tells me that there's work to be done.

Some considerations

One simple area where improvements can possibly be made is risk the extra cpu cycles to do a full sub-tree search in the HTML-tree rather than the list-comprehension filtering done in the merging step, right before the conclusion section. This may or may not be rewarding.

A concrete justification for the partitioning step eludes me. Although intuitively - as were most of the actions I took in this project - it appears that partitioning by sentences is a way to "boost" the score or likelihood that a single paragraph with 21 sentences will be extracted than a subtree with 20 single-sentence paragraphs, divs, etc. - as is sometimes the case with sidebar ads.


What is this algorithm's complexity? I'm not very skilled at algorithm analysis, but I'll try to talk myself through this. Those who know their stuff can laugh at my likely-to-fail attempt, but if you do laugh, it wont be at my expense, it'll be at yours! Please help a brother out and send me your complexity analysis :)

So, as the xpath search is more or less out of my hands, I'm going to assume they implemented a binary search, through all vertices v, with an average complexity of:

eatiht's complexity += O(log(v))

Say we found M text node parents (from the selection step, with each parent having an average of N children text nodes

With those assumptions, in the partitioning step we execute a

for parent in parents:
    for child in parent.children:

This would translate over to M parents over an average of N children:

eatiht's complexity += O(M*N) + O(log(v))

In building the frequency distribution, we iterate over the parents:

eatiht's complexity += O(M) + O(M*N) + O(log(v))

Now in calculating the argmax of the histogram, the number of elements, at most is M, but it may also be less than M. The reason for this is because we build the histogram not with the path of the parent of the text node (PoTN) but the path of parent of the parent of the text node - it may be that some PoTN's have the same parent, and thus the same path.

But let's just say the complexity is O(M) (would the actual complexity be O(M/2)?)

eatiht's complexity += O(M) + O(M) + O(M*N) + O(log(v))

Finally, we have one last linear search for building up a list of final article text nodes:

eatiht's complexity += O(M) + O(M) + O(M) + O(M*N) + O(log(v))

Now if you took a intro to comp. sci. theory class, you might recall that the final complexity is sometimes shortened to its component with the highest complexity.

In this case, I'm not sure which is the maximum. At first glance, I'd want to say that O(M*N) is, but then I start thinking about all these corner cases. So I'll leave it to whomever wishes to find the solution in either my pseudo-analysis, or yours!

There were some more thought's I wanted to get in writing, but I've already spent the entire morning writing this up so I think I'll end it here for today. If you read all the way to here, I thank you for taking the time to do so. Send me your thoughts, suggestions, criticisms, praise, venerations, admirations, palpitations, nude pics (just kidding, don't do at least 4 of those things in series; likely to cause unintended consequences!) to or @rodricios.

P.S. I have yet to decide whether or not I should test this algorithm against a large dataset. Not because I don't want to, but because it would be an endeavor I do not know how to approach in a more scientific manner, nor how to correctly allocate the time for (I would not want to tackle this head-on, commit and use a lot of time, and then go and find out that the tests I would have done were not done correctly, and, in other words, were pointless).

P.P.S There's some thoughts I had about the lookback-current-node-lookfront scope that's present in this implementation, and how it reminds me of what is known as a "kernel" or "filter" matrix calculus and matrix transformations in the field of computer vision. It also reminds of some of the nltk classifier implementations. But whatever it is I'm trying to say right now will come out like a mumbly mess, so I'll leave it at that.

Crash Course on HTML and XPath

Here's a quick crash course in case you're unsure if you got what it takes. Ok, this really isn't on html, more like pseudo-html/trees.

This is a tree:

Graph A
      root of tree:     •
                      |   |
            leaves:   •   •

Let's give those dots (aka: vertexes, nodes, elements, tags) names

Graph B
                      |   |
                     b•   •c

Note: The name 'A' is reserved for the root of the tree. There is no limit to the number of 'b' and 'c' nodes one wishes to use, nor limit to how far down a tree can reach, as demonstrated here:

Graph C
                       A•      <-from this level
                     |     |
from this level->   b•     •c  <-to this level
                   |   |
  to this level-> c•   •c
   is one level         +        is one level   = there is two levels

That's it for your review of html.

As for xpath, let's refer back to Graph C:

Graph C
                     |     |
                    b•     •c
                   |   |
                  c•   •c

XPath is, among other things, a querying tool.

To query for (select) the root node A:


To absolutely query for the only node named b:


The above xpath expression can also be given the moniker: absolute path

The following xpath expressions will also result in the node b:

//b, /A//b, and I'm sure a few others
|`     |
|      '-  Select all explicitly starting from the root
'-  Select all implicitly starting from the root

Now what if I asked you to form the expression leading to only the node c on the first level after the root?

//c or /A//c

Can't work because these expressions land us all nodes c


That will do the trick. It works because what it is in fact saying is to select all c nodes in the level right after node A. Now what about one or more nodes only in the last level?


Won't work because again, we get all nodes c on all levels, starting from node A. Now here's part the beauty with querying languages like XPath.

We can fine tune our selection by specifying the parent node(s) the desired nodes lie. Now that we're using parent-child terminology, we can refer to our desired nodes as the children.

But children of what? In case you've forgotten what the graph looks like, here it is again:

Graph C
                     |     |
                    b•     •c
                   |   |
                  c•   •c

Clearly, the node named b is the parent of the desired nodes named c.

This selects all nodes c of node b of node A


This selects the first node c of node b of node A


That should be enough to move forward, or rather backwards to the article.

  • There's was/is a debate on whether the process that eatiht goes through to produce an output can be considered an algorithm or not. Read about it here. What would you describe eatiht as? A neat package? A neat algorithm? Neither? I'm interested in hearing you out at, twitter, or github.



  • Please refer to the issues for bugs, upcoming features, or updates in general.

  • Prof. Tim Weninger has informed me that this algorithm is in fact an unsupervised classification algorithm - a type of machine learning algorithm that attempts to solve problems without "training data." Don't worry if "unsupervised learning" or "classification" or "training data" makes no sense; it's unnecessary nomenclature if your learning to program; I'd argue that if you know how to pick out what element appears the most in some set, that's as much as "machine learning" - statistics - you need to know for this particular module.

  • Tim Weninger - a professor at U. of Notre Dame, original author of the Text-to-Tag Clustering paper I referenced in the summary section at the top - was kind enough to reach out on reddit and liked my work. There is some chance that we might collaborate on a project. I'll be sure to keep those who are interested updated :)